About Us

The mission of Three Rivers Christian School is to prepare students from infancy through 12th grade to impact the world for Christ.
In continuous alignment with Jesus Christ, TRCS seeks to become the school of choice for families in the Three Rivers Region.
Core Values
Academically Excellent
Culturally Relevant
Joyfully Christian
Educational Goals
Students will be servant leaders: A TRCS graduate will give “feet to their faith,” living out the Greatest Commandment in both thought and action, loving and serving others compassionately after Christ’s example
Students will be perseverant: A TRCS graduate will understand the value of grit and determination in developing their own ability and gifts and relentlessly pursuing growth
Students will be capable communicators: A TRCS graduate will be prepared to participate in community through winsome and clear communication
Students will be relational: A TRCS graduate will seek to understand and value the individual gifts of themselves and others and see themselves in the collaborative context of their community and the world that they will impact
Students will be discerning thinkers: A TRCS graduate will be prepared to encounter the world and its philosophies and interpret society’s changing thoughts with a solid framework of wisdom grounded in Jesus